Thursday, January 13, 2011

Black Swan

Rated: MA
Duration: 111 mins
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery
Director: Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream 2000, The Fountain 2006, The Wrestler 2008)

l wanted to see this because it had Natalie Portman in it pashing a girl.  The fact that the movie is good was a bonus.  Darren Aronofsky likes making movies about tortured souls trying to make good somehow as he did in The Wrestler.  Mickey Rourke was wrestling with not only his opponents but his own inner demons and Natalie Portman is doing the same.

We all know by now what the movie is about but what we don't know is, is she fighting her mother, played by Barbara Hershey of 'Beaches' fame or herself?.  l watched this movie slightly hungover on New Years Day so l may need to re-visit it with less blood shot eyes or a blinding headache.  Still, what l do recall is thinking 'is this going to be like the movie 'Fight Club?'  You'll have to watch it and see if you make the same comparison.  If you don't, then l can blame alcohol and we can all rest easy but if you do, then champagne is not the enemy afterall.   

Regardless of my condition the movie is worth seeing for just the effort and committment Natalie Portman put into this film.  One year training at a Ballet School (where she met her now boyfriend and father of her child) and the possibility it will earn her an Academy Award.

Keep an eye out for an actress we have not seen for awhile and who became more famous for what she stole then the roles she was given.

Go see people and massage your toes when you get home.

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